Rachel Shubin Headshot

The Short Version

I write fiction and poetry from my porch swing in Portland, OR. When not writing, I sing 80’s power ballads at karaoke and drink whisky sours with too many cherries.

Also an ex-writer of grouchy religious topics. “Ex” because I got sick of being angry all the time.

Current Writing Project

The Sooth is a sci-fi about a girl who just wants to cure her father’s terminal illness but ends up sparking an intergalactic incident instead.

I’m releasing this in weekly installments on Substack while I revise. Chapter One is free!

The Shubin Report | RachelShubin.com

The Shubin Report

Has Doug Wilson been making inroads into your denomination or homeschool reading list? Trying to figure out what happened with the Sitler/Wight sex abuse cases?

Here you go! Five hundred pages of footnoted-to-oblivion misery that will give you nightmares (it gave me nightmares). Free PDF download. Read at your own peril.

Still Want More?

I’ve also been writing mountains of poetry about all sorts of things: wine tasting, aging, meeting new people, spiders.

Currently all my publishing is on Substack. Click or scan the QR code to check it out.

Thanks for stopping by!